29 year-old Barnaby is jobless, broke, his girlfriend left him and he's living out of his car. Luckily for him, fate intervenes and he is reacquainted with Madison, an old friend. As she helps him tur...
Kaaliyan has a sister who marries a young man without the permission from Kaaliyan and moves to Kolkata with her husband , where she faces unknown threats. Soon her brother Kaaliyan comes to the rescu...
故事发生在纽约的一幢公寓中,在那里,女人们身着五颜六色的衣服,品味着属于自己的酸甜苦辣。胡安妮塔(洛雷塔·迪万恩 Loretta Devine 饰)身为感情专家,但还是搞不定自己心爱的男人。克里斯特(金伯莉·伊丽丝 Kimberly Elise 饰)本来幸福的家庭,硬生生的被该死的战争破坏殆尽。这边厢,坦吉(桑迪·牛顿 Thandie Newton 饰)的奔放不羁让母亲伤透了脑经,那边厢,对于宗教...
南希(加布里埃尔·尤尼恩 Gabrielle Union 饰)的前夫是有名的嘻哈歌手杰基(查理·墨菲 Charles Q. Murphy 饰),尽管这段破裂的婚姻带给了南希大笔的补偿金和三个可爱的孩子,但是南希却并不感到快乐,形单影只的生活令她感到窒息,圣诞节将近,她多么希望能有人能够陪伴在自己身边,同她和孩子们一起度过这个阖家团圆的节日。...